Pure Virginia Honey

We love quality products from local merchants, and we hope you do too! In fact, we are so sure you will be happy with our stuff, that we offer a satisfaction guarantee.

All of our family and friends have graciously tested our products, and have since become our customers too.  We use as few ingredients as possible and only the highest quality; plus, you will be able to pronounce all of them!

Home About
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About Sweet Sophia

We started with a simple desire to have quality products with quality ingredients that we could actually pronounce. We love our products from local merchants, and we hope you do too! In fact, we are so sure you will be happy with our products, that we offer a satisfaction guarantee.  We aim to please!

Honey Bee Facts

Awesome Things to Know About Bees & Honey

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Bees Fly Miles

A hive of bees will fly 90,000 miles, the equivalent of three orbits around the earth to collect 1 kg of honey. 

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Bees Are Smart

Honey Bees tell the hive distance and direction to food sources by dancing! Who knew bees were so smart?

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Honey Never Spoils

A pot of honey found in an ancient Egyptian tomb was proved to be as wholesome as fresh honey.

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bees on frame
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